Personal Styling Options:
Online Style Packages:
Styling Package 1 - Outfit specifically chosen for you, styled for your body shape, size, budget & occasion. Sent straight to your email ready to shop. €49
Styling Package 2 - 3 Outfits specifically chosen for you, styled for your body shape, size, budget & occasion. Sent straight to your email ready to shop. €99
Virtual Styling Appointment - €59
Personal styling Appointment (1 hour €59)
Wardrobe declutter/analysis (4 hrs) - €249
Capsule Wardrobe - €199
Body Shape & Colour Analysis Consultation - €99
Bridal consultation - €99
(includes body shape analysis, style, neckline and fit for your wedding dress)
Premium Package - €199 (3 hrs)
- Body shape analysis/ colours
- Shopping/styling
Deluxe Package - €349
- Wardrobe analysis part one
- Body shape & Colour analysis
- Personal Shopping (2 hrs)
*Travel costs apply.